are you positively or negatively charged?

“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” Mahatma Ghandi

Do you think positively or negatively? I have been trying several methods lately to quash (fancy legal term – suppress, or extinguish and completely) negative thought patterns in my life. It is not an easy task. We are constantly given plenty of fuel for the fire from the world around us. Our own bad self-talk, or bad habits then just kick in and run on with this negative thought or idea. At least that is how it usually occurs with me. It can be an auditory (self-talk) voice in your head, a visualization of something, a bad memory, or a combination of any of these.

For instance, when making a mistake at work I have the tendency to beat myself up about it – if I am less than perfect I feel that I will not be acceptable. Now I realize logically that everyone makes mistakes – but that sometimes doesn’t seem to do the trick.  Also I have the tendency to immediately see the negative in everything – in any circumstance or situation. So I have begun re-training myself to turn negatively charged thoughts and beliefs into postively charged thoughts and beliefs.

This is a challenge – but I love challenges. When I think that negative thought – be it “I’m an idiot”, or “that person did (or didn’t do) this and this…they don’t care about me” – turn the negative thought or mental picture into a positive. Select a directly opposite thought to balance the negative out – quash it! Instead of “I’m an idiot” – I am a very smart person and I work hard and have excellent skills. Same for when you think someone has done you wrongly or are subsumed with negative thoughts about them – instead choose to remember or dwell on all the good things they are, the nice things they do/did for you, the positive only.

If you practice redirection of these bad, negative thought patterns enough they will become habit. It takes being present in the moment and realizing/catching those negative thoughts, looking at them for what they are and then morphing them into the positive. In technical terminology I have heard this called “chaining” or a “swish pattern” from NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).

So no more “stinking thinking” as I call it – turn a negative into a positive and before long it will be difficult to even think negative. Think about the tiny energy particles that are negatively or positively “charged” – are we charging ourselves with negative energy or positive?

“You must decide to stay in the feeling of love, prosperity, wellness, or whatever you desire, and let that feeling just flow through you. And remember that you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

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